Robin Ruud



Start here

Not interested in my writing? You can look at just the pictures.

You can also jump to my case studies for large breakdowns.

Or you can keep reading. It gets interesting…


This is what I do

Planes fall from the sky when the pilot gets too creative. We know it in our bones, and so we resolve to be the responsible pilot. Even in our design work, a little mistake could be a disaster. We reject risk so our plane will stay up. We follow the norms because innovations on the airstrip don’t work. We specialize ever narrower.

Just one little problem. We’re not pilots. Many of us has fallen for the wrong metaphor. Design is less like aviation and more like finding good music. If you make a wrong move and listen to a bad song, no one passes out. Finding music is a strong-link problem. Success depends on the best hits, and the worst misses don’t matter.

When we accept the new metaphor, we make some changes. We embrace risk, looking for ideas in unlikely places in case it pays off. We avoid established norms, knowing that we also avoid the boring. We broaden our skills and are sensitive to interesting interplays of disciplines.

If you’re convinced, you’ll be looking for good music for your agency. I have a playlist right here.


How I solve design challenges


Hit me up

I’m currently looking for work.

Project-based engagements are fine to begin with, but I would love somewhere I can stay for about six months. I’ll work with any small to medium sized graphic design agency in Melbourne.

If you’re inspired to step up your 3D game, shoot me an email. I’ll gladly come over and talk design with you. I’ll even bring my slide deck of 22 clever ways to use 3D in design and then you’ll have all my secrets.